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Sunday, July 31, 2011

10 things from #RSCON3

Class room with no walls!
Classroom on wheels!
Flat classroom.

Open the gate to your PLN pathway to your learning.

Daffodil & pumpkin stall-surprises/gifts on the way
Like finding a new friend.
Photos I took after the RSCON3 global educator's conference.(except the whale one).
Something always has a meaning somewhere. That means you can teach people to see & learn if you have the motivation, the creativity, the opportunity, the vision and the need. Share, create, learn.

Our twitter network is like our whale song!
The whales are sharing their own songlines in acoustic sound frequencies under the sea, across the oceans, people connect with whales using a hydrophone.
Learning whale song-it's a global movement on wave length! and they're all in tune, so should we be!

Whale song  The song itself is an amazing phenomenon. It is highly structured, and, at any one time, all the males in the population sing the same song using the same sounds arranged in the same pattern. Over time, however, this pattern changes, but all the singers make the same changes to their songs. After a few years the song may be quite different, but all the singers are still singing the same new song.

 Reflections of RSCON3:

10 things I got from RSCON3 are:
  1. Experiencing the impact of global conference on-line (but not in pyjamas) - huge advantages.
  2. Enjoying the connection & development of a network of educators and movers for my PLN.
  3. Listening to the amazing presenters who have wonderful photos, movies, diagrams & links to share.
  4. Being introduced to presenters who gave their new thoughts on the way we perceive technology, learning & education for youth/students today.
  5. The ideas and listening to others, text chat, whiteboard (writing, reading, polling), voices (live time-amazingly around the clock!!), conclusions about the similarities in teaching & learning, the frustrations we share & the hopes we would like see change in our networks in the workplace.
  6. Opening up our minds to understand what may come -Past/present/future - understanding what was, is and could be in the future (around the corner), in many different learning environments and cultures (across-cultures), live interactions, real learning, creating change, improving lives.
  7. Teach teachers, allow students the ability to learn, give them the tools (they usually have them first), adapt, adopt, create social change, STEP_BY_STEP.
  8. TOOLS - learning what people are using, what's new.
  9. Helping me in develop a good presentation so I can confidently prepare my own presentation for the ESL conference this month and observe what worked well and what didn't.
  10. I only had 9, so I think Shelley's pug dog should get a mention. Great organization all moderators, all volunteers, all tweeple (is that a word?) at #rscon3, a big thank you!!


More thoughts from  #RSCON3 (Reform Symposium Reflections : Sheet1)

RSCON3 recordings are here. They are in elluminate, I just wasn't keen on the 5am start, but congratulations to those who did!! Ha! Thanks @CliveSir


  1. Rosco is truly touched to be mentioned! He has included this post in his Facebook page,

    Thank you for attending and you great reflections!

  2. No sleep for the wicked, Shelley -on a plane to the next dynamo edumeet in the big apple.

    Dogs needed the mention, they are the ones left behind in the technology movement, unless they star in a home movie!
    LOYALTY always!
    Rosco needed a walk.Now you will just have to Skype him till you see him again! :)

  3. There's nothing like mentioning dear old Rosco - one of the most famous dogs on Twitter! (Pity he doesn't have a Twitter stream, actually).

    #RSCON3 was a fantastic learning opportunity, and it has given me a lot of confidence in my ability as a teacher and as a learner.

    I was able so share my story on a world stage - in a new online medium, and I believe there can't be many second year teachers who can lay claim to presenting at an international conference!

    Thanks for a thought-provoking post.

  4. Just wonderfully touching to read all the comments during & after RSCON3. Roll on RSCON4!

  5. Great summary! Agree. Agree. Agree.

  6. Jane,
    Thanks for a great post and I agree whole heartedly to everything you listed. (includeing the mention of Rosco the pug who made me giggle at the end of the three days showing up on the video!)

    I particularly liked your number 6 about opening our minds to the past, present, and our future. I think we all need to be very clear on where we have been in education (so as not to repeat it), where we are (so as to reflect on if it is working and should be repeated), and where we're going (so we can all work together to achieve that goal). I'm glad that conferences like RSCON3 give us the platform to share that information in our own professional contexts.

    Great thinking all around!

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