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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Hearbeat of the Blog.

larryferlazzo - the-best-resources-for-chinese-new-year
Larry's blog is interesting because it provides us with a lot of information in an organised way. He has numerous lists and 'best ofs' with links in this post. So you know more or less what you are going to get if you click on a link.

On the other hand, these numerous links in a paragraph of text can often be off-putting, especially if you open many of them, you may often lose track of the initial reason you are there. Wikipedia is an example of this. Multi-tasking and losing your train of thought.

6 steps to an effective blog post
  1. In an educational blog the trick is to be precise & to the point.
  2. Have images to break the continuity or use a 'cool tool'.
  3. Think about colour wisely, many young people like white on black, but not great on eyes over time.
  4. Link wisely with specific information to your readers - why do they want to 'click here?'
  5. Familiarity -be consistant with presentation and don't change themes/colours/fonts midstream. (Like I have just done to this blog)
  6. Continuity - of style of writing and professionalism to your audience, a bit of humour is always a welcome tone.

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