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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Plunging in the surf - how to swim in the sea of technology

Analogy- the sea and the web
Gunnamatta is a rough place. On the last day of 2010 we surfed the waves. The sandbar was narrow, the flags displayed the safety zone and outside that we were shark bait, lost to the rips that fed into the blue yonder. The place of nightmares.
Not only were the waves crashing down towards us, we had this side set, crashing from the right and culminating in a double wammy of wave-power, smashing into each us on the sandbar. Sand in your bathers, water in you ears. How mad to surf - summer tourists caught in the middle - eager to call it 'fun'. The sun blazed down on winter white skin. We were sunburn victims.
How often does the work we do on-line make us feel like this? Trying to achieve a thread of instruction or learning point only to be dashed by the many frustrations that throw us this way and that, rarely on a wave of complete satisfaction, and often cast into the open sea to be swallowed by the multitude of...aagghhh, dare to think..
The END..
After this day at Gunnamatta, we packed our gear and drove home for lunch and ice-cream. Thank God for that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane,
    I told I would soon be here and here I am. I was pleased to see my feelings described and understand that they are common, because that's exactly how I feel sometimes, surfing the net and being swallowed by so much information, unable to use or even try most of them. Short and clear.
